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Por Yutubero en Podcasts 963 vistas 19th Sep, 2024 Duración del Video: N/A
Estos son los enlaces para quienes estén interesados en convertirse en patrocinadores:




This is a very basic list of personalities that can give you a real and truthful understanding about the War in Ukraine. This list is not in any specific order, neither alphabetical, nor out of legacy or significance.
Col, Douglas McGregor: retired U.S. Army colonel and government official.
Scott Ritter: former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer, former UN Special Commission weapons inspector.
Clare Daly: Irish EU parlamentarian.
Mick Wallace: Irish EU parlamentarian.
Jeff Sachs: : Economist.
George Galloway: former British parlamentarian.
Glen Greenwal:Pulitzer Prize Jjournalist.
Vijay Prashad: Journalist and researcher.
Aaron Mate: Journalist.
Max Blumenthal: Journalist.
Chris Hedges: Pulitzer prize journalist.
Vanessa Beelet: journalist.
Eva Bartlett: Journalist.
Ben Norton: Journalist.
Brian Becker: Academic and Journalist.
Stephen F. Cohen: Academic, Political Scientist (RIP).
Emmanuel Tod: Fench Anthropologist, Historian, Political sciences expert.
Jhon Mearsheimer: Political Scientist.
Abby martin: Journalist.
Gonzalo Lira: Journalist and reporter (RIP)
Rania Khalek: Joournalist.
Dan Vovalik: Journalist.
Anya Parampil: Investigative Journalist
Kevork Almassian, Syriana analisis: Independent Journalist.
Peter Zuznick: Scholar
Christopher Black: International Criminal Lawyer
Alexander Merouris: Historian, political analyst.
Phillip Geraldy: Former CIA agent.
Col. richard Black. US Senator.
Symour Hersh: Iconic Pulitzer Prize journalist.
Larry Johnson: Ex CIA agent and political analyst.
George Szamuely: Doctor in Political studies.
Noam Chomsky. Schollar
Ann Wright: Retired American Colonel.
Wyatt Reeed: Journalist.
Dimitri Babich: Political Analyst.
Raymond McGovern. Former CIA Intelligence Analyst USSR branch.
Col. Lawrence B. Wilkerson: United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Matthew Crosston: Director of Academic Transformation and Professor of National Security at Bowie State University.
Tamara Lorincz: Researcher, writer and author. PhD candidate in Global Governance at the Balsillie School for International Affairs.
Katrina vanden Heuvel. American editor and publisher. She is the publisher, part-owner, and former editor of the progressive magazine The Nation.
Andrei Martyanov: expert on Russian military and naval issues. He was born in Baku, USSR.
James Jatras: Former U.S. Diplomat and policy adviser.
Richard Medhurst. Blogger and Activist. Expert in Palestinian Affairs.
Amy Goodman. Journalist. Chief staffer of Democracy Now!
Andrew Napolitano: Retired Constitutional Judge, TV Host and Blogger.
Karen Kwiwatoski: Retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel
Eugene Puryear: American journalist, writer, activist, politician, and host on Breakthrough News.
Alastair Crook: former British diplomat, and MI-6 Agent. He is the founder and director of the Beirut-based Conflicts Forum.
Jackson Hinkler: Blogger and Activist.
Jimmy Dore. Comedian.
Avraham "Miko" Peled: Israeli-American activist, author, and karate instructor. He is author of the books The General’s Son: The Journey of an Israeli in Palestine
Patrick Henningsen. Journalist.
Prof. glenn diessen: Norwegian academic and political scientist. Professor at the School of Business of the University of South-Eastern Norway.
Shir Hever: Geopolitical Economist based in Jerusalem.
Nora Barrows Friedman: Journalist. The Electronic Intifada.
John Pilger: Australian journalist, writer, scholar and documentary filmmaker. (RIP)
Professor Richard Wolf: American Marxian economist known for his work on economic methodology and class analysis.
Glen diesen: Norwegian academic and political scientist.
Daniel Kovalik: Lawyer and Journalist.
Whitney Webb: Researcher an Journalist.
Mark Sleboda: Political Analyst.
Ken Klipenstein: Independent Jousnalist.
Mathew Hoh: Veteran and Political Activist.
Caleb maupin: Author, Journalist, Political Analyst, Founder of the Center for Political Innovation.
Marwa Osman: Lebanese Journalist.
Francesca Albanese: Italian international lawyer and academic. On 1 May 2022, she was appointed United Nations Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories.
Fiorela Isabel: Journalist.
Ghadi Francis: Lebanese Journalist.
Miko Peled: Israeli, Jewish journalist, activist and writer.
Daniel Levi: British–Israeli analyst, former advisor to the Israeli government with on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Israeli negotiator of the Taba summit and Oslo 2 peace process in 1990s.
Col. Daniel L. Davis: Retired United States Army officer and an analyst of United States foreign policy.

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